Full Responsibility
I lived in a victim mentality for the longest time. I'm just going to be real with you for a minute.
I played victim- it was always someone else's fault I wasn't getting what I wanted out of this life. It was always someone else's fault for the way I felt- for what I was missing.
It's easier to play the victim.
And then one day I started reading through motivational quotes about the grind and working hard and chasing your dreams and I came across this one. This quote right here goes against everything a victim mentality will tell you.
A victim mentality wants to tell you the reason you don't have your dreams is because he or she did this or that. It's because of your upbringing or something that happened in your past.
a victor's mentality tells you MY life- MY responsibility.
Paul Coelho even said it. It's easy easy easy to blame other people. But everything in our life is completely up to us. We can use it as fuel or we can use it as chains that bind us.
Will Smith gave an amazing speech once. You can listen to it HERE.
But in this speech he said:
"It don't matter whose fault it is that something is broken if it's your responsibility to fix it. For example, it's not somebody's fault that your father was an abusive alcoholic, but it's for damn sure their responsibility to figure out how they're gonna deal with those traumas and try to make a life out of it. It's not your fault if your partner cheated and ruined your marriage, but it is for damn sure your responsibility to figure out how to take that pain and how to overcome that and build a happy life for yourself.
Fault and responsibility do not go together. It sucks, but they don't. When something is somebody's fault, we want them to suffer. We want them punished. We want them to pay. We want it to be their responsibility to fix it. But that's not how it works, especially when it's your heart.
Your heart. Your life. Your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone. As long as we're pointing fingers and stuck in whose fault something is, we're jammed and trapped in victim mode. And as long as you're in victim mode, you're stuck in suffering. The road to power is in taking responsibility."
What do we need to take responsibility for today?
And how can we fight against victim mentality today?
What do you want out of this life?
And what are you allowing to hold you back?
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