Perfectly Puzzled Scentsy- Independent Consultant

 Y'all probably think I'm nuts right?

3 MLMs.


Like I said in my last post, I bought all 3 products CONSTANTLY.. and finally it hit me- 

HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Why don't you just SELL them because you LOVE them so much???????

So- I took the giant leap!

And I haven't looked back since.

Scentsy was my first love.

I'll be honest.

I remember going into my friend's home back in 2011 and I was like WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT SMELL. It was wayyyy different than a candle! I was like sooo overwhelmed with how someone's house could smell so friggin good!

She had "Blueberry Cheesecake" in! AMAZING.

So, I bought some off of her immediately.

And then the next month, I bought more.

Then she said, "Yo, Alyssa. Why not just sign up to be a consultant?"

Shoot. Never thought of that!

So, I signed up.

And it has made such a difference for my family.

As I said in my last post, our oldest was diagnosed with Autism in 2015- and working outside of the home 8-5 just did not work- but neither did one income.

Scentsy came to the rescue.

It has created a means to pay some bills- and alleviate some stress from my husband-
and create a safe space for my daughter- while still bringing in an income.

So, I want to bring #Scentsy to your family and show you how it has blessed my family. It has created a sweet-smelling home. A wonderful side income. And so much more!

How has Scentsy changed your life?


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