Perfectly Puzzled Jewelry
Paparazzi has been a love of mine for so long.
My sister-in-law has sold it for quite some time and I've been a constant crazy buyer on all of her lives! LOL
And then I was like-
Alyssa, what in the world.
Why not sign up under your sister-in-law?
Then she gets profit off of my sales, I get profit off of my sales, and I'm not just spending money! LOL
That's a Paparazzi necklace right there ^
I haven't did my first live yet, so everything is super fresh and new! I'm still waiting on my products, but I am so excited to start this new adventure.
I haven't did my first live yet, so everything is super fresh and new! I'm still waiting on my products, but I am so excited to start this new adventure.
My family is worth all of this.
Our dreams are worth all of this.
Everything I want in this life is worth all of this.
Everything I want in this life is worth all of this.
I'm so excited for what's to come!
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